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We’re ready to support people who are committed to experiencing a better life… Is that you?

Whatever a better life looks like for you, we are here to assist you in experiencing it...

Whether that be as a customer or distributor of the Enagic® Kangen Water™ products.

We believe in 'opening relationships' with people who align with who we are so that we can firstly build a friendship and secondly a business relationship.

By partnering with us in Enagic®, we believe you have the possibility to change your life and financial future.

You’ll be a part of our thriving and growing team, and we believe that you could greatly benefit in all areas of your life.

If you are passionate, driven, and motivated… JOIN US on our mission to succeed.

Our team support combined with the Enagic® business model is designed to help you reach your full potential and achieve financial success.

As a member of our team, you will have access to FREE step-by-step comprehensive training and support, as well as a network of other like-minded individuals who are dedicated to helping you reach your goals.

The Enagic® compensation plan is very generous, allowing you to earn an ‘unlimited’ income based on your efforts and results.

Whether you are looking for a flexible, part-time opportunity or a full-time career, joining our team can offer you the chance to achieve your goals and live the life you've always dreamed of.

We are committed to your success and are here to support you every step of your adventure.

If joining our team sounds appealing to you, just contact us so we can meet each other, understand what you want to achieve and share more details about how we can assist you.

This is your opportunity to take control of your financial future and join our team of individuals who are dedicated to achieving success.

Thank you for your time… We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Lifestyle and Vision

Our Lifestyle…

Beth and I both value our freedom, the ability to choose what we want to do, when we want to do it, with whom we want to do it with… Some may refer to that as ‘success’.

Enagic® as a company aligns with our values and provides us with a financial vehicle that has and will support our lifestyle.

Since joining Enagic® in February 2015, I (Martin) have worked from home, sharing the value of Enagic® with people both offline and online.

Beth and I met in 2018 and a few years later, we realised we had a desire to travel around Australia to see this country in its rawest beauty.

Thanks to the Enagic® referral compensation plan, we have been able to live full-time touring Australia since April 2021 by building our business online. We’ve been able to:

  • Enjoy time flexibility each day.
  • Create a supplemental income assisting us to have more money.
  • Enjoy leveraged income from the power of the unique compensation plan.
  • Enjoy being able to work independently from any location we choose, whilst at the same time, be part of a like-minded global team. 

We have the power of choice to take full control over our business to experience our desired freedom… and you can too!.

Since building our business mainly online, we have connected with like-minded people who understand the value of ‘True Health’ to support their own; Physical Health, Mental & Relationship Health and Financial Health.

Enagic® has given us the ability to live our life with flexibility, creating an income that sustains our lifestyle now and will support our future desires…

So much so that we have planned to travel Australia until the end of 2024 and then start our next adventure, our aligned future vision.

Our Support for You

We’re on this adventure together, to support you!

The great thing about the Enagic® referral compensation plan is that we’re only rewarded when we assist you to succeed, so… 

We are committed to supporting you toward achieving your desired success.

In order to do this, you’ll be given access to our simple to follow system designed to provide you with certainty, confidence and clarity in gaining momentum toward creating a successful Enagic® business for you and your family.

When you choose to join our team, you are going to receive an incredible amount of support, all for FREE!!...

Plus, we will be creating a relationship that is built on a foundation of transparency and communication, resulting in trust.

So, let’s just review the FREE support you’re going to receive as a member of our team:

Private 1-on-1 Support Chat

Providing a more personal support connection with you and us (Beth & Martin).

1-on-1 Support Calls

Ability to have personalised calls with us to assist you further.

Coaching Discovery Process

Your answers will help us discover a unique plan for you that is in alignment with you.

Customer Support Training

Ensuring you understand and receive the value of your purchased products.

Distributor Support Training

How to build your business to suit your own unique style.

Facebook Support Groups

A group for your ‘leads’ to become educated on the product and business value, and another support group for you as a product owner and distributor.

Social Media Support

Training provided by the social media platforms themselves for you to succeed.

Enagic® Distributor Courses

Courses previously performed by Martin W Ball (Your kangen Water™ Guy) that helped other Enagic® distributors grow their businesses.

Our Private Team Informative Funnel

Your own product and business lead informing presentation, unique to our team.

Live Team Trainings

Weekly live trainings for us to interact, supporting you further, and access the training replays.

Social Media Brand Building

Training that supports you to be seen and heard by leveraging social media.

Your Fast Start Foundation Guide

A step-by-step guide to assist you in gaining momentum in your business within just 4 weeks!

Access Knowledge & Experience

With over EIGHT years experience as an Enagic® distributor, you can leverage my (Martin’s) knowledge and experience in both Enagic® and life to assist you on your journey toward achieving your desired success.

… And more value for you to experience!!

As we mentioned earlier, all of this value is FREE, simply because you chose to join our team.

PLUS... And most likely the best part, we get to build a friendship together that will reward us in all areas of our lives. 

It’s time to contact us to discuss how we can assist you to experience TRUE HEALTH… Thank you for your time and we look forward to speaking with you soon.

Let's Connect!


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